Contrary to popular thinking, business is not about profit and greed, but should truly be about quality service and moral upliftment. Money really messes up the equation and the soul. We need to understand its advantages and limitations. Otherwise, it will choke the planet. Deliberately. Join this blog to see how business ethics can be modified for a better future.

Saturday, September 09, 2006


Money is a measure. It is a quantity and today it has become a means of power, influence and control. In contrast the human being has huge potential qualities. Many of these are unquantifiable. Art and creativity are basic expressions of young children. The human soul is infinite in its imagination potential. Unfortunately, money and the obsession with money strangles the soul. Instead of thinking freely and creatively, we have narrow minds and become more and more quantitative and competitive. This leads to rigid minds and moves us away from lateral thinking. Increasingly, it divides genuine scholars and artists from rich people and financial resources. The worst manifestation of a monetary soul is that it becomes so obsessed by greed, power and control that it itself becomes controlled by money. This is when imagination dies and the soul commits suicide.


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