Contrary to popular thinking, business is not about profit and greed, but should truly be about quality service and moral upliftment. Money really messes up the equation and the soul. We need to understand its advantages and limitations. Otherwise, it will choke the planet. Deliberately. Join this blog to see how business ethics can be modified for a better future.

Saturday, September 09, 2006


Yes, when you buy a cup of coffee from Starbucks or any other chain in London, at least 50% of the price is for rent of the property. It does not go to the ingredients. And what is rent? It is income for property owners. And what do property owners do to earn the income? They sit, relax and own property. And every time you buy a cup, you are fattening them. The workers who make and serve the coffee are on minimum wages. Another thick slice of your money goes into marketing and image building. I hate Starbucks coffee - it is so strong. However, it has a brand and an image.

The consumer has a choice - to get sucked into this greed economy or to opt out of it. If you make your own coffee at home and take it in a Thermos and drink it in the park, you do not pay any rent nor do you fatten the property owner. Instead you make a positive statement to nature that if land, water and air are for free they should be available to all and not controlled by a few.

It is even possible that the coffee tastes better because you made it with your own hands and spirit.


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