Contrary to popular thinking, business is not about profit and greed, but should truly be about quality service and moral upliftment. Money really messes up the equation and the soul. We need to understand its advantages and limitations. Otherwise, it will choke the planet. Deliberately. Join this blog to see how business ethics can be modified for a better future.

Monday, November 27, 2006


We can calculate, but can we grow? We know about business, but do we understand life? We can read and write, but do we really know? Social entrepreneurs are people who are not paralysed by analysis but have a larger mission and purpose. They recognise the importance of sound financial management, but use it in ways beneficial to society. However, if you asked whether there is a 'social capital' market, then the answer would be no, at least in terms of the stock market. There is a hidden social capital market based on networks, community and charity. However, it is still difficult to attract risk capital to good social work. The only concern of the venture capitalist is money, and that even short term money - the return in a few years. And usually, this should be in a multiple factor. The venture capitalist, is a greed promoter. But that would not sound too sexy would it!


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